How to Rent Space at Redwood Raks
Redwood Raks World Dance Studio is available at very affordable rates for classes, rehearsals, workshops, meetings, parties, performances and other special events.
Our Rental Rates Sheet can be viewed or downloaded here.
Hard copies are available just inside the door of the Jade Studio.
Ongoing Classes - If you would like to rent studio space for a long-term class or a session lasting a specific number of weeks, please complete this Rental Application for Ongoing Classes or pick up a copy in the studio.
Special Events - If you would like to use studio space for a show, concert, recital, festival, party, dance, or other celebration or event, please complete this Special Event Application or pick up a copy in the studio.
Private rehearsals and meetings - No application is needed to book studio time for private rehearsals or meetings for individuals or small groups. We encourage people to book space any time there is space on the calendar!
Some ideas for private space rentals
· Enjoy a nice indoor space to really move!
· Solo dance, exercise, or martial arts practice
· Rehearse your dance moves
· Choreograph a routine
· Video a class or dance for your students or friends
· Hold a parent-child dance or exercise session
· Practice drumming or music with fewer sound limitations
· Schedule a private dinner-dance date! (We provide a table and chairs.
You bring takeout from The Pub or another restaurant. Have a lovely
dinner followed by a romantic private dance session afterwards!
Contact The Redwood Raks TEAM at 707-296-1648 to check calendar availability and make reservations.
Equipment and Furniture
Redwood Raks has materials available to use for events and shows, including a sound system, theatre lights, monitors, risers, folding chairs, and tables. Depending on your needs, there may be some extra charges, and a tech person trained in using the Raks equipment may be required. We will do our best to work with you to fit the vision of your event!
- Renters must have insurance for teaching classes and for sponsoring public events. Teachers can obtain insurance at a very reasonable rate here. Add Redwood Raks Collective as "Additional Insured".
- Events where alcohol will be served must have an ABC permit. Find instructions and form here or contact the city.
- Larger public events need a dance permit from the City of Arcata. Download the form here or contact the city
All users agree to keep the floor clean and sweep and mop as needed
Renters agree to ensure that all studio users avoid any shoes that would mark or damage the floor

This is the first studio when you enter the building. It's 40'x60' and seats about 150. It has hardwood floors, a stereo, a 6'x40' mirror (with curtain to close over it), a long ledge, tables and chairs, remote control party lights (and mirrorball).
This is the room that shows happen in, and is where we can have live drumming and live music.
A wonderful new addition to this space is the Mariposa Patio located behind the studio, which offers optional additional outdoor space for your event in the Jade Studio.

This is a fantastic 40'x40' space with hardwood floors, 6'x40' mirror, stereo, TV, tables, chairs, remote control party lights and a lobby that may be used as a dressing room for shows in the Jade studio and for parties, too. No loud drums in this room!