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Donors... Thank you!

Donors helping us create an outdoor danceable space out behind the Jade Studio 


Zach Millwood

Thom Boswell



Jewelry Collection Rebuild - 12/2020

Amanda Pollock
Shea Freelove / Threadbare Dancewear

Sherri & Don Bloomer / Shiny Sparkly Things

Cat Lobere

Sarah Ariggo


Ashley & Friends / Hooked Kettle Corn

Tani Sebro


2020 Work Parties - thanks for keeping the space fantastic!

Thom Boswell
Lisa & Brian Finigan
Amira & Elora Wanden

Shea Freelove
Lila Toledo
Adam Wanden
Debbie Weist
Roccio Talavara
Linnea Mandell

Craig Kurumada

Chris Brant

Brian Draeger

Jack Lewis





Thank you to the wonderful people who have contributed to our Keep-The-Studio-Going during this pandemic.  We have exceeded our $5,800 goal and have raised over $6,000 to keep the studio going over these months with no income coming in. We appreciate you!
If you would like to donate to our Go Fund Me campaign, visit:



Alphabetical List of our 2020 Donors (several donated more than once!:



Julie Achterhoff

Tom and Lora Anthony
Raven Arnold

Ballet Online - with Julie Hayes

Patricia Bender

Ann Bost

Drew Bost

David Bradley

Chris Brant
Sherry Chen Broderick

Allison Bronson

Ruth Brown

Susan  Butler

Lynn Camille Fellion

Daniel Chandler

Cathy Chandler-Klein

Wesley Chesbro


Lesa Coleman

Heyley Connors-Keith

Jeni Corsich

Melissa Cortez

Hannah Crabb

Taylor Daley

Maria Delgado

Danielle DeMartini

Brian Draeger
Daniel Faulk

Lynn C Fellion

Seannie Fennely

Humboldt Folk Dancers

Stephanie Gayle

August Gem

Lisa Groeling

Simone Groves

Michelle Haggerty

Jennifer Hanson

Ned Harwood

Jolene Hayes

Julie Hayes

Roxanne Heiob

Keenan Hilton

Susan Holt in memory of Pat Holzinger

Anne Howard

Lisa Hoyt

Alisa James
Debbie Jansen

Marla Joy

Michele Kamprath

Julie Kelly

Gail Kenny

Heather Kenny

Deborah Ketelsen

Elizabeth Knaus

Meryl Krause

Sarah Kirste

Robbin Kohn

Craig Kurumada
Mimi Kyoko

Dick LaForge

Kathy LaForge
Maggie Lally

Melissa Lazon

Jennifer Lloyd

Jack Lewis

Beverly Liu Nowell

Suzan Logwood

Lucera Love

Nicole Mahouski

Linnea Mandell
Serena Mann

Sarah Marina Mitchell
Linda Maxwell

Ken McCanless
Leonilda Sousa McLaughlin

Catherine McNally

Carl Mize

Monday Night Swing

Leanne Montano-Tuter

Jose Moreno

Jean Morrison

Susan Neander

Shawna Neyra

Robert Olofson

Jessica P

Catherine Peacock

Stephanie Perrett
Chelsea Pulliam
Leslie Quinn

Carmella Reed

Erik Rez

Natalie Reid
Yavanna Reynolds
Barbara Rich

Leslie Rohan

Judith Rose

Athena Rosette

Holly Sage

Cynthia Savage-Hino
Tani Sebro

Salsa at Six

Heather Scharlack

David Schlosser

Laura Shepherd

Ben Shoemaker


Rose Slauson

Oona Smith

Sandra Sommer

Joel Sonenshein

Brennan Smith
Courtney Stevens

Andi Tarantino

Naja Luz Tepe

Ilyn Thongkam

Rick and Wendy Turk

Cyn Van Fleet

Nick Vasquez

Ybon Vasquez
Teri Vodden

Jessica Vonada
Debbie Weist

Deva Wheeler

Janet Whitworth

Libby Yee

Jude Zyskowski

Lisa Zystro


© 2022 by Redwood Raks Collective

. Email us for info on our offerings or to get involved. Thanks!

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